Sunday, May 24, 2009


So today was one of those particularly bad days, not just a bad mood swing for a few hours, but a legitimate bad-mood-bad-day-all-day kind of day.

No, I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I actually woke up two hours before the alarm went off feeling refreshed and not at all hung over, which is pretty unusual for a Sunday morning. On the subway, conversations with Kanchana(a co-worker of mine) were quite interesting rather than the usual routine of listening to Lady Gaga as loud as I possibly can. Not that Lady Gaga is at all my favorite but her song "Money Honey" has some type of hold on me that I simply cannot explain. She also helps to drown out the real world I routinely try to avoid during my travels to the work place. So anyway,I got to work 30 minutes before my scheduled start and then the day went down hill from there.

The bad mood kicked in and suddenly anything that was asked of me seemed SO absolutely unreasonable, even though I was being paid to do it...Explain me that one?! After 7 straight hours of prom chaos the work day finally came to an end, but the bad mood stuck around.

So I guess the only remedy for this one is a tub of chocolate icing and a Sex in the City marathon. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.


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